Throw Out the Smartphone & Read a Damn Book

The Hypocrisy of the Anti-Oil Environmental Movement & the Brutal Hard Truth They Demand You Ignore

There is one glaring obvious inescapable truth about the anti oil environmental movement, hypocrisy is a way of life. Far be it for the 'you're ruining my world' set to sell their cars, throw out their smartphones or stop killing the earth for memes, cat videos and likes. To environmentalists, it's all about what YOU should do and in the case of Alberta, it's all Alberta's fault. So here are some very hard truths for both sides of the argument to choke on whether you stand fist raised at a #WEXIT protest or across the street fist raised at the 'you've ruined my childhood' rant.

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk or Shut the Hell Up

There is really nothing more annoying than hypocrisy hiding behind bold arrogance but whether you are running the province and pitching a 'fair deal' or crying that the world will end next year from global warming, hypocrisy and lies are everywhere. The one thing that is always surprising is how the environmental activists who decry #ABFree hold their dear smartphones to their wounded hearts as they weep about the world and decry the source of all the plastic used in those very smartphones. Of course everyone knows that plastic comes from oil but maybe the rabid environmentalist set believe it's such a small phone and it is necessity to save the world? Right? Wrong? Like most things woke, only the ignorant look at the surface of what they do to calculate the real cost and blame. A barrel of oil contains 6000 MJ's of energy. It takes 5 MJ to produce a Smartphone case and even more to produce all the internal components made by slaughtering the earth to extract and process the rare earth materials from those environmental policy free mining pits the Chinese leave all over the world to make the guts of a smartphone. This means a barrel of oil can produce approx 1000 smartphones. There are 5 billion smart devices in service around the world and the average life of a phone is 2.5 years. That's 5 Million barrels of oil every 2.5 years just to make smartphones.

However that is only part of the equation because most people also own one or more of the 1.5 Billion PC's, .5 Billion game systems, 1.5 Billion TVs and 1.2 Billion vehicles (151 kg of plastic per car and up to 340 kg for EV vehicles like a Tesla) and all take plastics, not to mention all the plastics used to package all the products consumed by those fearful environmentalists each and every day. I mean it's not like toilet paper is sold by the unwrapped roll, although at one time it used to be sold in sustainable paper wrap until the environmentalists started tree hugging and forced everything into unsustainable plastic wrap. It take approx .5 gallons of crude to make a pound of plastic. So 330 lbs of plastic in a car is made from 165 gallons or 4 barrels of oil. At an average life of 8 years, those 1.2 billion vehicles will be replaced using 600 million barrels of oil per year but only if the people of China and India choose not to grow the number of cars they drive, which will never happen. A more appropriate number is 1 Billion barrels per year. What I do not see is those precious angry little environmentalists and their very enabling parents selling their cars, tossing their smartphones, giving up the internet and demanding China and India stop buying cars. Now why would that be? Hypocrisy be thy name.

They Say the Planet is Facing Extinction but the Memes Must Go On, Right?

So let's chat about the internet shall we. Data centers, or the things primarily owned by Google, Amazon and Microsoft, power internet search engines for propaganda distribution, stream all those fun online Kardashian videos, download Netflix & Disney programs, deliver memes, TikTok, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, text messages, etc. etc., and those data centers chew through 200 Terrawatt hours of energy each and every year. That's Terrawatt as in 200, watts (the average household uses 867,000 watts per month). That means data centers use the equivalent power each year as that of 20 Million homes and it is growing fast. Most of this is used for high bandwidth videos, gaming, movies, advertising, tracking, memes, likes and a host of other uses that are really useless to the overall well being of our planet when one realizes the sustainability of the world is the cost we all pay. Yet the enviro-fascists will blame Alberta as the problem. That's like blaming the gun maker for you choosing to shoot someone else. And do not get me going on how much energy is chewed through by cryptocurrency mining of which the Chinese and their coal fired energy plants own the lions share.

Now for the very bad news. Over 70 percent of electricity produced in the world, including for the internet, comes from hydrocarbons. Oh but there is even more bad news for the Greta Thunburgs of the world. The internet is only a fraction of the problem, All those billions and billions of devices are charged every single day or draw a constant flow of electricity 24x7 and only an infinitesimal fraction are essential to life. We are not talking about heating a home in northern Canada or cooling a home in the Saudi desert or the electricity used in the surgical suite of a hospital. Most of the killing of the earth comes from people like environmentalists surfing the net for funny videos and anti Trump news stories but ask any of those environmentalist zealots to give up their smartphone, permanently recycle their PC, sell their vehicle, stop buying stuff wrapped in plastic, stop using the internet, stop flying around the world or owning two houses and you will think you just asked them to give up their only child. In fact most would probably give up a child before they would give up a smartphone and internet access. Also since humans cause pollution, no self respecting environmentalist should ever have a child to give up and yet Greta exists. Go figure.

Obviously no one wants the world to go back to the middle ages not even the environmentalists. They just want YOU to do something and that something is usually the one thing they refuse to do themselves. They demand an end to Alberta's fossil fuels production while driving to the protest and shaking their internet connected smartphones in defiance while they take selfies. They want to ruin the lives of the people of Alberta just so they can continue to destroy the earth freely. Of course far be it for those calling for an end to Alberta's oil to compensate Alberta for the economic loss. The obvious solution would be for the woke world to buy Alberta's 168 Billion barrels of reserves and take it off the market permanently. The cost would be $8 Trillion which is only 10% of just a single year of global GDP. Would that not make the most logical sense? It's a small price to save the planet forever. Maybe they could do a GoFundMe? Pay the people of Alberta $8 Trillion into a sovereign wealth fund and the oil is yours forever more. Leave it in the ground if you like, make it a permanent conservation zone or pave it and put up 7-11s. It will be yours. No? Well I guess that proves that there is simply nothing more ignorant and hypocritical than today's vapid and vacuous environmental movement.

Of course that is not to say we humans do not pollute. Spend a day at the Vancouver or Montreal dump or drink a big glass of the water coming out the backend of their sewage plants. Humans cause pollution. That is a simple hard fact and sorry #WEXIT, this also includes the oil industry which has a terrible track record of dumping toxic crap into the environment or leaving toxic wells behind in bankrupt shell companies or even fracking the ground water into poison on farms. I know because I grew up on the wells, owned production and still own royalties. The industry is my heritage and my culture and many environmental regulations on the industry are frankly a self inflicted wound. However calling for an end to fossil fuels to stop CO2 is as about as intelligent as calling for an end to food production to save humanity. If you want to stop the oil industry, then just stop using plastic and driving your car. Also stop heating or cooling your house, using makeup, cooking food, using electricity, wearing anything but cotton and wool, using airplanes, etc. Just stop and the oil industry will be dead overnight. Now we all know that's not going to happen because we human's just can't stop driving our kids to school or sharing tweets. So we need a far more intelligent way to adapt and yes, the earth adapts to any and all changes even if we fear them. If, and that's a big if, the world climate changes then we will adapt and probably for the better because other planets will not be as hospitable as earth.

One option is that we can grow a couple of brain cells and admit that we need oil and allow pipelines while working to encourage people to clean up their act (note I said encourage NOT tax) or to shut up in the case of hypocritical environmentalists. The environmental movement has no grounds to complain about Alberta's oil if they are holding a smartphone or reading this article on the internet or watching any Hollywood movie. We can work over time to find and implement solutions in an intelligent way or we can ignorantly shout at people which really does nothing. And as for the 'suddenly ending world', I saw the same thing decades ago. The end of the earth is the same delusional farce that it has always been. A cult of stupidity just like any 'end of time' cult and I can guarantee the world will not end. It will get along just fine whether we humans continue to parasitically infest it or not.

Who is Really Driving the Anti-Oil Rhetoric

Before we leave this subject there is one other ugly truth about the blockading of pipelines in Canada. Although most Canadians are intelligent and understand that pipelines are important to Canada's economy, we are certainly not against a cleaner world. However there is a lot of money that ignores this simple fact and the powers behind the propaganda machines are very successful at having political policy created to blockade Alberta. The question is who actually has that much money to waste and what is their end game? The cost of producing a single barrel of Alberta oil is between $20 and $30 per barrel. The cost of producing US shale oil is over $50 per barrel. Given that Alberta has an estimated 168 Billion barrels of oil reserves and 100s of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, it is in the best strategic interest of the United States to ensure that Alberta oil never reaches the market to undercut their profit. This is why most of the money used to promote anti-oil propaganda is funded from the US and offshore. This would normally not be of any interest except that somehow politicians in Canada are fully on the anti-oil bandwagon even if they seem like they are not. Of course if you can't smell the charitable family trust rat, then you might need to see a doctor to get your nose fixed.

Albertans want to reduce pollution. We want to live sustainably in our world. We openly protect more of nature than any other jurisdiction on the planet and have one of the cleanest environments in the world. We want to develop technology that is provable and viable at making our earth sustainable including using the hydrocarbon chain to do it. However it is almost impossible with politicians gaming the system and undermining our success through policy and frankly no one trusts either the environmental movement, politicians or fly-by-night separatist movements. I sure don't.

It is time for the people of Alberta to take the reins and lead the world, starting with forcing access to tidewater for the oil we all use each and every day and by putting more restrictions on what we import back into our world from places like China. The UCP talks a big talk but really has very little in the way of a game plan to achieve this. However, there is a plan in #ABIndependence Alberta and it starts with intelligent separation to free us from the stupidity that holds the people of Alberta down.

The only question is are we as Albertans willing to stand up and support a brand new set of intelligent ideas? Or are we just doomed to sit in silence and let our world be demolished by politicians beholden to the US oil industry and foreign environmental propaganda while they hypocritically fly CO2 spewing private jets to fancy meetings around the world so they can post online about it and shake a finger at #ABFree?

If you agree then step out from inside your safe zone and do something to support those who are really fighting for the people of an independent Alberta and not stale politicians or flash in the pan Facebook groups like #WEXIT.

Albertans can have hope again. Set #ABFree and we will change the world forever.
