ABFREE - Alberta Freedom


The Alberta people are angry and tired of being pushed around, abused and taken advantage of by ungrateful and hypocritical politicians working for groups and elites. It is time for us to break the ties that bind and take our rightful place on the world stage. ABFree.ca is where we will keep you up to date with honest and open content no matter how much the truth hurts your feelings. We will ask the uncomfortable questions and call out the hypocrites on all sides. We will be #ABFree.

Help support #ABFree by sharing these articles or for the hard cold #ABFree truth in bite size pieces follow us:

Articles & Posts

The #ABFree Policy Statement

We need to change politics & remove the WEF cult from power to return our Freedom.

We need a massive change in politics to turn away from WEF elite control & their New World Slavery & return the power back to the people of Alberta.

We will be adding new policies as elections approach & support candidates who agree.

Join us at our upcoming policy events where the people of Alberta will set the agenda or join a candidate prep forum for those who want to run for office.

We will take back our freedom.

Read the policies to take back freedom from the elites & their cult.

The Big 20

20 Questions All Politicians Running for Office Need to Answer

These are the things that the people want to know the most and although our representatives are supposed to represent the will of the majority, their influence dictates what matters become policy and their 'views' influence their tenacity to achieve results on these matters.

These questions are openly presented to all candidates and we will see which ones respond and which ones are hiding their intent. Join us in confronting all leadership candidates with the Big 20 and tell them to address these issues with openness, integrity and most importantly honesty. Then based on their responses or lack thereof, #VoteSmarter in the upcoming leadership votes and elections.

The question is simple

For each of the items listed below please state what existing policies you would change or what new policies you would implement.

1. Energy
2. Agriculture
3. Relations with the Federal Govt
4. External Interference (i.e. WEF)
5. Immigration
6. Climate Change
7. Individual Rights & Freedoms
8. Election Integrity
9. Censorship & Hate Speech
10. Transgendered Individuals
11. Digital ID
12. Digital Currency
13. Housing
14. Homelessness
15. Crime
16. Education
17. Inflation
18. Employment
19. Justice & Policing
20. Health Care & Mandates

Since we know that the first thing out of the mouths of these politicians will be 'My policies are on my website' we wasted our time trolling through all the sites and extracting the detail from inside the PR babble and doublespeak so you don't have to endure the pain yourself especially those horrible videos. This is a link to a PDF of that content and you can zoom into the candidate details that you want.

Download the full pdf here

It is no surprise that the content on each website was thin PR fluff with very little detail and no depth. Just vague promises and a smattering of actions. Some were reasonable and some were strange but all were at best meh. Many proposed absolutely no definitive actionable items and one website was shut due to the Queen's death. There were no answers to the following items from any candidate:

5. Immigration
8. Election Integrity
10. Transgendered Individuals
11. Digital ID
12. Digital Currency
13. Housing
14. Homelessness
15. Crime
18. Employment

Perhaps we will get some answers prior to the vote but not likely. We will post what we receive.

Our Vanishing Individual Rights and Freedoms

Governments & politicians are removing your Individual Rights & Freedoms each day through the use of laws such as emergency acts. You can stop them through your words, actions and voting. Take back your individual Rights & Freedoms. Stand up against the growing global tyranny and become a beacon of Freedom.

Watch the Video Here on Rumble

Or go to https://rumble.com/v12i7tm-our-vanishing-individual-rights-and-freedoms.html

The Supremacy of Individual Rights and Freedoms

How You Are Losing Your Individual Human Rights and Freedoms to Groups and the Elites Who Control Them

Each day governments and elites remove more of your Individual Human Rights & Freedoms. This is how they do it.

Watch the Video Here on Rumble

Or go to https://rumble.com/v10vskd-abfree.ca-our-human-rights-and-freedoms-are-under-attack-by-groups-and-the-.html

The Supremacy of Individual Rights and Freedoms

How You Are Losing Your Individual Human Rights and Freedoms to Groups and the Elites Who Control Them

Individual Rights & Freedoms are the foundation of human life. They provide us with the ability to live in peace & harmony with others because we all share them equally. They protect us from those who would seek to do us harm & those who seek to rule over us with an iron fist & at the barrel of a gun.

Our Rights & Freedoms provide all of us equally with the unlimited opportunity to excel to the greatness of our abilities & talents & this gives us the hope that drives us to innovate, achieve & succeed as humans. Without them we have no hope for the future & we lose what makes us human.

Today our Rights & Freedoms are under attack by groups like governments, media & giant corporations who do not accept Individual Human Rights & Freedoms because those Rights & Freedoms block their total domination over our lives. If we can live as individuals, then we cannot be controlled, only negotiated with. If we are subservient to the group then they will own & control everything.

Read the full article here

Download the full pdf here

The New Political Scumbag Game

The ABFree Scumbag Speed Test for Politicians & Political Scumbags

This ABFree political scumbag test is a series of speed questions for politicians & political scumbags alike. The goal is to acknowledge that each item on the list below is indeed a problem or not (Yes/No only). If Yes explain a solution in under 10 seconds for each of these issues facing our society. If they can't provide a solution in 10 seconds, then you know that you are probably dealing with a political scumbag. Try the test yourself or on your friends or in a bar where going past 10 seconds requires a shot. The Liberals, NDP & Socialists will either be alcohol poisoned by the end or will fly through the test by saying that none of these are problems. Either way you will know exactly who you are with. If they are dead drunk or stone cold sober. Make them wear a 'political scumbag' hat or tag the rest of the night.

Unaffordable Housing

The Influence of Governments Over Our Personal Lives

Government Debt


Voting Manipulation

Foreign Funding in Elections

Individual Rights & Freedoms vs Group Rights


Foreign Ownership of Local Assets

Wealth Divide

Global Transnational Political Organizations (WEF)

Political Parties

Politician Wealth






Big Tech

Big Pharma

Honesty and Transparency

Illegal Funds from Crime

High Taxes


Download the PDF of Questions here


How Wealthy Elites Rig Our Supposedly Democratic Political System

The facade that we live in a democratic society is very much infused in the psyche of many young adults. They actually believe that the political system of their parents is the same political system today. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your freedom is a sham, a facade, a fake news item of immeasurable proportion but still we believe that we have control over who runs as a candidate and who we vote for. However if you lift the veil even slightly you will see a vast architecture of elites who use money to game the system and in return their 'investments' pay dividends in vast government projects and spending that line their pockets and the pockets of their families and friends making them the upper 1%. This is the world of the PAC or political action committee and there is a very good reason why they are not banned from participating in politics. If they were, then the power would return to the people instead of the elites and the gravy train might end.

The most direct approach is to control the election. By 'election' we mean the act of voting for a candidate in any election including the board of the local constituency association and by control we mean controlling the entire election process from choosing the candidates to represent the party to ensuring that the people running the elections work for you. It is very simple to provide the facade of a fair election by going through the theatrics of providing ballots, checking voters and counting results but it is an illusion. There are many steps along the way between a voter and an election result in which the count can be manipulated in your favor. You just need the right people in the right place. If the 'wrong' voters are confused or unable to vote or you have redrawn the riding boundaries to ensure they are overwhelmed by your supporters, then the results will skew in your candidates favor. But who runs the elections and sets the boundaries? Government appointed individuals that's who and if you own the politicians, then you pick who controls the election and how it is run.

Read the full article here

The Alberta One World Branch Office

How Global Groups Remove Our Rights and Freedoms

Someone is buying and manipulating the politicians and political parties of Alberta. Their agenda is simple. Place their foot soldiers, who seek to remove the Rights and Freedoms of Albertans, in positions of power in our governments then use those positions as a beachhead to infect our society. They do this through the funding of political campaigns and through the manipulation by the media of the population with propaganda to support their chosen candidates who then execute their agenda. This includes funding the campaigns of both sides of political contests often to split the vote in favor of their favored candidate. The infestation occurs at all levels of government even into policing and senior govt administration. The plan has been around since the end of WWII where the seeds were sown at the Bretton Woods Conference. It exists to this day funded through the massive debt and spending by our own governments.

Of course you won't see their cells operating in the open or in the public eye but they exists as 'hubs' and 'forums' designed to train their young foot soldiers, or what they call 'global shapers', in the war against our Rights and Freedoms. Their funding is secret, their organizations are secret and their goals are secret.

Their primary weapon is the removal of transparency in governments. By hiding the insider world of governments and politicians, like who is funding political campaigns and mainstream election media, they seek to hide their own activities from the public. They have thousands of members and devotees that move behind a facade of 'political action' and 'social change' and they do so at all levels of government.

Over the past few decades these groups have successfully modified election transparency laws to obfuscate the nature of the money flowing into political campaigns. In this way they can fund multiple candidates to obliterate choice and transparency while presenting a facade of open democracy. They work with 'media partners' to run smear campaigns against 'non member' candidates or simply run similar disposable candidates to split the vote so that their chosen candidate wins the election.

Once installed in government, their 'shapers' are hired to bring in outside policy analysts to provide the directives and 'expert guidance' to governments. These advisors provide the public relations, media control and propaganda to bring highly calculated and highly manipulated favorable exposure in mainstream media and online through tech media for the public to consume. This includes the use of language that undermines the actions and reputations of all candidates that would seek to remove the veil of secrecy around elections and campaign funding or expose associations with such groups by elected representatives. The refrains of 'personal privacy' are most often used to hide the activities of donors and supporters alike and in so doing the real agenda behind these Manchurian candidates. The candidates are told to avoid any open acknowledgment of the hubs, forums and outside funding and to hide any and all information that would tie them to such groups. They are taught to use the refrain of 'conspiracy theorist' to any and all who question their motives or seek to open this veil of secrecy or they simply use denial.

Their strategy is long term and they start very early in education in civics to seed and grow the roots of their future candidates. Children are taught the ground rules of politics and socialism and as those who excel rise within the ranks, they are advanced to networks such as the 'Global Shapers Community' and WEF's 'Young Global Leaders'. Eventually they are hired at the govt support level in municipal or provincial governments while being groomed to either run for office or advance within the bureaucracy. The dual path of higher government employment and political leadership supported by outside consultants, contractors and policy advisers that are already deeply entrenched within government, act as an escalator for these young 'shapers' to the top echelons of governments. When this happens the trifecta of control is complete.

With these three elements in place, organizations like World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group or the Council on Foreign Relations or a host of others can effectively manipulate our governments to do their bidding. Inclusive of creating projects that help funnel tax revenue into the pockets of these global leaders as owners of government suppliers while returning some of that money back into the campaigns of local politicians. It is a perfect political control and manipulation feedback loop funded by the very people they manipulate. Infrastructure, health, culture, sport and a wide variety of programs to continuously move the money from the people and into a cycle that further erodes their own freedom and democracy. With each year, more transparency in elections and government is removed behind veils of 'privacy rights' and each year the role of public oversight and reporting of government activity is reduced or eroded.

The masses blindly vote for the foot soldiers of the elite who then hire the senior staff in govt who hire junior staff drawn from the hubs and forums of the leadership group. They back up all actions with 'external consultants' hired by 'senior staff' and supported by the political leadership including in areas like compensation or talent acquisition. The consultants are owned by the exact same groups and individuals that run the hubs and forums. It is a closed loop.

This is the Alberta political system. While we would like to say it will change it won't because the people refuse to accept the truth. All of the above is easy to see but those who seek to surface the information are labeled as conspiracy theorists or worse extremists. There is simply no will within the people to fight back and so the removal of Rights and Freedoms continues until they will eventually be gone.

The answer is one simple solution. Complete Transparency.

Openness, the removal of the veils of privacy & enforced honesty in government and mainstream media all come by first opening the doors and windows to shine a light to expose everything. There must be no privacy or secrecy in govt. It must be open, transparent and verifiable without reproach starting with our elections, our court systems and policing and the people must be given more control over major decisions made between elections. The representative must do what the majority of their constituents demand as opposed to what the party says or the concept of direct democracy on important issues and recalls.

It is simple. These masters of manipulation hide like vampires in the darkness of ignorance fearing the light but by shining the light of hope and transparency, it will start to end their tyranny over the people and remove them forever from our world. This requires change and an end to the manipulation and propaganda by our mainstream media.

Join us on the side of conspiracy theory and truth and light or forever remain subjugated and without hope, Freedom or Human Rights, trapped inside a political cult. You have nothing to fear from transparency and truth. Challenge all those who question or seek to stand in the way of transparency with the phrases like 'conspiracy theory' or 'disinformation' or 'extremist' or 'right wing' or 'racist' because it is their tell of who they are, who they work for and what their agenda is. They seek to undermine the truth and our Rights and Freedoms through their carefully crafted rhetoric, name calling, cancellation, censorship and division.

We must stand as one, united against this new world order in all its forms if we are to have any hope for the return of our freedoms and the freedoms of our children.

Download the PDF of this article here

February 18,2022 RIP Canada Rights & Freedoms

At the end of the barrel of a federal police gun, today we were forced to remove all content from the site in support of truckers, protesters and the freedom convoy or in opposition to the government and any negative commentary about Justin Trudeau and his family. We have lost our Human Rights and Freedoms in Canada because we let our system of democracy become corrupt.

Let it be known that some Canadian's did try to stand for freedom but the majority permitted the removal of Rights & Freedoms without justification, without warrant, without oversight & without transparency. We did not stand united against tyranny on this day. We chose to acquiesce. We chose to succumb.

Many in Canada supported the death of our Human Rights & Freedoms with their silence & their votes for those politicians who stood behind these actions by Justin Trudeau.

The stain on your hearts & on your souls will remain from this day forward and the hate and division is now permanent.

RIP Canada.

#NoKenney - Help Us Remove Jason Kenney from the UCP

Jason Kenney is an eastern snake who has sold Alberta out. Once again he is using underhanded techniques to rig the upcoming leadership vote in Red Deer so he can hold onto power. This will ensure a victory for the NDP in 2023. In fact we can't tell the difference betwen the two parties anymore. Jason has taken over the UCP and installed his Ottawa minions and he is still doing the same today while he refuses to attack Canada and Justin Trudeau on behalf of Albertans. His underhanded techniques include getting third party (i.e. eastern money) to 'sponsor' transportation and attendance fees so his new 'supporters' can go to Red Deer to vote against his removal. It is time to fight fire in the spirit of Ralph Klein & Peter Lougheed. Help the #NoKenney cause on GoFundMe.

Note the gofundme account listed previously was suspended without reason.

Cracks in the Facade - How Jason Kenney Lost the Confidence of Albertans

Well into a grueling Covid pandemic and still years from a required election, Premier Jason Kenny is struggling through turbulent political waters that have completely changed the political tone of Alberta. Albertans are not happy and by Albertans we mean all of them. Jason Kenney appears to have lost the confidence of the majority of people in the province through a constant stream of unpopular decisions and missteps. Deep inside the UCP the climate is no better with open rebellion by insiders and the grassroots asking if the Ontario boy and his Ottawa Gang need to be replaced before the next election. In response, Kenney and the Ottawa gang have hunkered down in fortress mode with changes like a delayed leadership review to late 2022 to ensure the grassroots can't kick him out until after the election & thereby laying down yet another all in bet that the angry people of Alberta will not throw caution to the wind and oust the Ottawa Gang and its golden boy from Oakville in the 2023 Alberta election.

Join us in our fight for the people of Alberta by sharing this content.

Full article here

The Business of Alberta Separation - The greatest threat to Alberta businesses from separation may come from not supporting it.

There is a steady growing movement in Alberta toward separation as well as sporadic pushback by those who do not support Alberta independence mostly emanating from outside Alberta. Albertans are frustrated with the growing antagonism toward Alberta's energy industry from the rest of Canada as well as the heavy handed approach of the central government on issues and regulation that directly impact the lives of Albertans without any form of equitable consultation or consideration.

All of these actions send a loud and very clear message to global business leaders and investment professionals that long term investing in Canada and Alberta is fraught with very high levels of political risk making for an unstable investment environment. The question that business leaders in Alberta need to ask themselves is not whether the risks of an independent Alberta are worth it, but how long they can survive within the confines of a country of ever increasing and erratic political risk that is Canada?

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The Great Alberta Undermine - How the Federal Government & Global Elites are Working to Undermine the People of Alberta

It seems like another day doesn't go by without other people from outside of Alberta trying to do something that undermines the people of Alberta. Before 2015, Alberta was the envy of Canada and the world but now the people of Alberta are the target of eastern and Euro elites alike and it has become a global bandwagon.

But it is a brand new decade and it is in this decade where the people of Alberta will have a chance to become the last bastion in the world for common sense and honesty. An island where the people are more important than the group. Where governments are limited and answer only to the people and not hidden elites in far off lands. This is the decade when the people will need to decide if we wish to live our lives under tyranny and banish our children to lives of servitude to the elites of the world or if it is the decade when we will finally stand up to the propaganda and mind control and step out of a 1984 dystopia and into the light of freedom.

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First Nations Legacy Redux - Justin Trudeau Works to Complete His Father's 1969 White Paper Legacy

In 1969 the Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau and his Indian Affairs Minster and future Canada PM Jean Chretien dreamed up a fascinating and diabolical plan to jettison the federal government's responsibility (and by proxy Laurentian elites) for First Nations through the assimilation (read as elimination) of First Nation reserves, rights and peoples. The White Paper entitled Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy is a fascinating look into the minds of the Laurentian elites that still control the federal government today. The latest attempt to rid Canada of First Nations is another clever and well crafted series of Trudeau Liberal policy initiatives this time with Justin Trudeau cloaking the mission behind the UN mandate on aboriginal rights entitled UNDRIP.

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Alberta Down - Why Wounding the Golden Goose of Canada is Good for East

Use of the Bank of Canada in conjunction with damaging government policy is only one of the many dirty tricks in the Liberal political policy arsenal that is being used to undermine Alberta. There are more dirty tricks far deeper into the federal labyrinth and as long as voters in the three primary metropolitan areas support Trudeau, the power brokers will have a mandate to do whatever they wish. Short of full separation from Canada, there are very few options open to the people of Alberta.

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The Hypocrisy of the Anti-Oil Environmental Movement & the Brutal Hard Truth They Demand You Ignore

There is one glaring truth about the anti oil environmental movement, hypocrisy is a way of life. Far be it for the 'you're ruining my world' set to sell their cars, throw out their smartphones or stop killing the earth for memes, cat videos and likes. To environmentalists, it's all about what YOU should do and in the case of Alberta, it's all Alberta's fault. So here are some very hard truths for both sides of the argument to choke on whether you stand fist raised at a #WEXIT protest or across the street fist raised at the 'you've ruined my childhood' rant.

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Fair Deal Failure - UCP Smoke and Mirrors Roadshow

No one ever received a 'fair deal' before divorce court otherwise there would not even be a divorce court. The fact that Jason Kenney thinks he can get a 'fair deal' out of Canada and Trudeau before getting a divorce decree is completely naive. Does he really believe that as a conservative he can walk into Ottawa and get anything close to a fair deal? Did he look at the map of the last election? Or is the real truth that he hopes to put on a big show for the people of Alberta and walk away with a few tidbits enough to quell the calls for separation.

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Canada's Domestic Political Abuse Problem

There is a pattern to abuse. It starts when one believes that they have power over another. When a partnership becomes a tyranny. It is fueled by a power disadvantage but it is enabled more by a lack of self confidence within the one being abused. They see themselves as unable to stand on their own feet, unable to leave the abusive relationship, they ascribe more value to staying than leaving and they see benefit in the abuse. So when I tell the people of Alberta they are being abused by the rest of Canada and that it is time to walk away, I understand the fear that is in your heart. You should know that you are not alone. Canada is an abuser. Canada takes your money and then tells you what to say, think and do while hurling abuse to make you believe that you are worthless and 'need' Canada to survive. It is time to not just walk but run away from the abuse while ignoring the fake platitudes and threats.

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